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By Jakub
Question: Can I plug the breather bolt?

Background: I am fairly new owner. Did number of work already. Managed to get chaincase sealed for some time and then decided to replace main sprocket (from 21T to 20T). When doing that something fell off the breather nut, at the time didn’t pay much attention to it. However when testing the bike I’ve noticed horrible oil leak from the chaincase. During 50 miles drive half of the oil was gone. So I’ve made breather hose longer. Now chaincase is dry but the oil is still disappearing, with small pool under chaincase breather hose. I have sneaky suspicion the breather bolt was previously blocked since there was no oil leak through this hose before.
Also I can see in parts book that 1959 model had a solid nut, later it was breather bolt only later to be replaced with solid nut again with the Interceptor.

Anyhow, should it be blocked? I am not keen on improving over the factory. After all the should know better. Shouldn’t they?
Otherwise I have factory set up for breather with two tiny valves and pipe connected to the oil tank.
By Jakub
BTW, with all respect to the HM, great shop as they are the chaincase seal they sell is little bit too hard. I am afraid to tighten cover enough to stop leaks.

Instead I am using EPDM rubber string, 6mm diameter, it’s very soft, kind of rubber foam, does the job extremely well and cost about 50 pence per meter, so 1-2 openings and can be discarded.
By Vince2
Hi, are you talking about the breather in the end of the crankshaft or the breather bolt on top of the crankcase? As you refer to 20t sprocket I take it you mean gearbox, in which case have you damaged/ disturbed rear chaincase seal. Vince. Ps no, the breather should not be blocked!
By Jakub
Vince2 wrote:
Thu Aug 04, 2022 3:01 pm
Hi, are you talking about the breather in the end of the crankshaft or the breather bolt on top of the crankcase? As you refer to 20t sprocket I take it you mean gearbox, in which case have you damaged/ disturbed rear chaincase seal. Vince. Ps no, the breather should not be blocked!
The breather bolt on the left end of the crankshaft. According to parts book 1959 model has solid stud and nut. 1960 model through 1965 I think has breather bolt with spring valve.

The crankcase is also ventilated by pipe on left the side of the engine just above chaincase. This pipe in 1959 model just goes out, in 1960 model it is connected to the oil tank.

As for rear chaincase seal don't think so, once I've extended the chaincase breather hose this area is dry.

To rephrase the problem, garage floor is dry, no leaks observed, however since I've made sure the breather bolt is unobstructed and spring valve works properly there is pressure in the chaincase and large quantities of oil are being ventilated outside through chaincase breather hose.
By Cape Blue
When it comes to the EPDM string - where did you get it from, do you have a photo, what was it like trying to make it stay in place before you fitted the outer case? Mine pours ATF out at the moment so this sounds like it could be a good option for me. I did wonder if the H o-ring was a bit hard and thin for my somewhat warped chain cases.

FYI my chain case breather heads up under the tank, then along under the seat to pop out the back, and with a filter on the end - basically to let it condense out of any airflow and drip back in.
Connie clutch.jpeg
Connie clutch.jpeg (571.07 KiB) Viewed 116923 times
By Jakub
New clutch, new stator, there is something to desire :D

I am buying online, here: ... 0521601295
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15 meters, 9 GBP including delivery, it's very soft so squeezing with fingers presents no problem, when opening cover, if it stays in the groove-it stays, if it falls -it's get replaced,
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No leaks whatsoever.

I used 5mm tap to thread a screw into breather nut. Did a test ride, the amount of oil inside a chaincase hasn't changed so we are in the clear with back pressure. The red stuff is less dense than mineral oil, perhaps this the reason why is so affected by back pressure.
By Cape Blue
Oh yes, I'm living the dream! I bought the bike last year and was 4 for 4 - 4 breakdowns in 4 outings :lol: Slowly trying to get things into shape with limited knowledge and skills.

Thanks, that's really useful, EPDM is ordered.

When it comes to putting your bike on the centre stand, do you find the exhaust pipe gets in the way of your foot pushing the stand down? I'm considering fitting a side stand for when I'm out and about as it's a pain trying to get my foot onto the stand with the exhaust in the way.
By Jakub
Make sure the EPDM you order is a foam, really, really soft. I did try few different compounds, this is the best.

My Constellation isn't rose garden either.
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As for center stand if anything my age plays up. No problem with exhaust or mechanics of it. Just problem with age. My age.

Anyhow, Allan from Hitchcock recommends sidestand from Interceptor currently unavailable. I am patiently waiting for it.
By Cape Blue
I've put myself on the same waitlist for the side stand.

I couldn't get the EPDM from your link as they didn't ship to the UK. I got some from another source and it was rock hard - I put it on on the off-chance and it was dry as a bone when sitting there - 15 miles up the road and it was a gusher. I've now found another source and this one does say "foam" in the description, so here's hoping.
By Jakub
Cape Blue wrote:
Thu Aug 11, 2022 7:30 pm
I've put myself on the same waitlist for the side stand.

I couldn't get the EPDM from your link as they didn't ship to the UK. I got some from another source and it was rock hard - I put it on on the off-chance and it was dry as a bone when sitting there - 15 miles up the road and it was a gusher. I've now found another source and this one does say "foam" in the description, so here's hoping.
Brexit at work.

Mail me on priv your address and I will post you some. From private person to private person it should go through without customs. Hopefully.

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