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... Ermmmm getting abit obsessed with hunting down this wiring issue now.

Thanks for the call yesterday Adrian, I'll let you how this goes, I'm abit all or nothing, so have ripped all the wiring out, disconnected and untaped everything, so I will test all the wiring and connections and put together all neat tidy and waterproof, going to replace the rubbish glass fuses and holders for blades and a better housing for them, any suggestion for that, I'll look around online sure there must be some improvement to fit nr the battery.

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You have my sympathies!

I do suspect the wiring on these is over-complicated.

My present Electra-X will (eventually) be getting a much simpler wiring loom as part of its street tracker make-over, partly because a previous owner had been hacking the factory wiring loom about, and as posted above, I knew they degraded after a while anyway. My usual supplier of 13-core flex is on his hols at the moment, but we can discuss this if your attempts to sort out the existing wiring fail. Hopefully your digging through the loom will unearth (pun intended) the culprit.

Hi Adrian, I've gone completely overboard in the process of sorting out my electrical issues and have ended up taking apart the the whole back end along with stripping the wiring off.
Just thought while I was at it I would make good some areas looking abit rough, presently stripping the swinging arm to respray.

Tested all the the loom wires, all good and showing a reading accept one bullet connection that looked sound but would only show a reading if moved about, it was connected in a round about fashion to the side stand, so adds up with a brief moment when I kicked the side stand up awhile back and the clock lights went from dim to bright though doesn't seem to fit with putting the pilot light on and dropping the power when riding about a week ago and putting the lights on or other load and knocking everything out?

I have rebound the main lengths both side of the looms with self amalgamating tape and have left for now new end connections and new fuse box as just want to get it running before it gets that treatment.
Though I didn't run annoyingly (now bound) that extra earth from the light that you suggested.

Anyway that's where I am bike in bits and nice weather not the combination I wanted, hopefully should start taking shape early next week but have been able to clean lots of bits.

Head round if want if you want if your out and about on your bike (text or call would be seen better) , my bike is still in a changeable state, connections are abit rough for now but working and will do a better job when it behaves.
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Hi Geoff,

Agreed, it's a shame the good riding weather coincided with the electrical gremlins, but you'd rather not have it leave you with no sparks in the middle of the Forest again, eh?

I'm around most of the weekend, also during the week, I'll give you a bell to see when coming over is a good time. Let me know if I need to bring terminals, connectors and a soldering iron, etc.

Hello Adrian cheers for the message, be great if you could come round, anytime from tomorrow (Sat) would be fine for me but don't put yourself out, when ever fits with you.

Think I've tried to get abit ahead of myself today by roughing up the electrics and rushing, which is never good, though got some power and a strong neutral light but the horn dipped it???? which didn't inspire me. Wanted to get the exhaust on and in an ideal scenario fire it up.

The wiring is looking a shambles right now
So any help here would be much appreciated though I don't want to take up much of your time. It was seeming more together earlier when I contacted you and I was thinking more refining it all wire wise, you may look at it and be horrified or seen all before?

Regards all the connectors and stuff well I suppose if it's on board then it's there if needed.

Cheers Adrian speak to you tomorrow I'm up early these days so don't mind an early text, I'm flexible time wise to suit you.

Thanks for coming round today Adrian, going to get another battery ordered and the swinging arm back on on Monday / Tuesday, even though the current battery seems to be full of life at times I'm now starting to doubt it temperamental ways and thinking maybe certain cells have had there day in there?

Anyway been a good lesson in stripping the Enfield down.

I'll let you know how I get on

Cheers for your time

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