This Forum is now CLOSED use the link to get more details viewtopic.php?f=5&t=13926
By Andy C
I am sure that everyone wil join me in saying a big thanks to Graeme & Allan for all the years this forum has been running.

On a personal note over the years both Hitchcocks and the Forum have been very much appreciated by me.

Over and out..........
By Daiwiskers
Well said sir

A big thanks from me

Cheer's Dai
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By Wheaters
Hear, hear!

I’m sorry to learn this forum will be closed over the weekend.
It was my first port of call when I bought my 350 Bullet Electra.

I add my vote of thanks to Hitchcock’s staff for their efforts over the past years.
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By Boxerman
Agreed, this forum has been very useful to Enfield owners, and others in the past, Hitchcocks have provided a sterling service by providing this platform over the many years it has been running.
I have been a member of the other forum for quite some time, but I actually prefer this one and will miss it.
Thank you Jo and Alan for keeping it going for so long.

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By Adrian
Yes, thanks indeed.

The recent spamming of the forum on an industrial scale may well have prompted this, I suspect.

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By Boxerman
Adrian wrote:
Sat Aug 20, 2022 1:33 pm
Yes, thanks indeed.

The recent spamming of the forum on an industrial scale may well have prompted this, I suspect.

Yes! I used to run a forum for a motorhome club I was in, at one stage, I was getting up to 50 spam posting a day and I just could not keep up with it.
Had to shut it down .

By MartinB
Yes I also prefer this forum to the other one and shall miss it. Thanks to our hosts for supporting this one which I've enjoyed since getting back into Royal Enfields some years ago. Sign of the time that the spammers have led to its closure. Let's hope we can continue to run our bikes for many years to come.
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By Trev
Such a pity, I've enjoyed the time i've been here and also found it very informative. A big thank you to all those involved in the running of it.
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By Spudgun
As much as I don't want to see this Forum go. I understand the reasons why. I would like to think that a multi-month shutdown would discourage the spammers and things could return to normal. Only time will tell.

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