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Cost-saving suggestion

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 2:31 pm
by Martin C

I've just replaced my BT landline/broadband with a '3'
mobile broadband wi-fi setup, which is working faster & more reliably than
the BT line ever did. As I often work away from home, I already had a '3' mobile broadband/dongle
contract at £15/month for 5GB, and negotiated a deal for 15GB at no extra cost whatsoever & with free 'Myfi' kit supplied. My BT landline was only being used for the broadband, and their total bill has been about £350 annually, so that is a useful saving.  I daresay other mobile network operators can do something similar.

Cost-saving suggestion

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 7:30 pm
by grunda 12
well done martin i,m also on 3 dongle blows talktalk away good on yer

Cost-saving suggestion

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:47 am
by 1950s Bulleteer
I used an Orange dongle for some time while I was living in a B&B  in Cumbria, unfortunately I was outside the range of the proper 3G signal and all I ever got was about 7k on downloading, even slower uploading. Frustrating in the extreme. I used to enjoy sitting on the train to London and seeing the L.E.D. turn from green to blue, and then it did start working nicely.  If you live in a good reception area they are great, but do check before you buy one!