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By Reds1
At 49 yrs old and riding for the last 17 years and Around 20 bikes my 2016 Royal Enfield 500 bullet has cemented a place in my heart. My other bikes I would ride in nice weather only. This bike I have taken on the servicing of the bike , ride in most weathers but this week after having to ride into work a 100 mile round trip on 3 occasions due to the hot weather buggering the trains up the bullet has shown me what they are all about . A loyal reliable friend who will look after you when you look after and have a personal relationship with it .๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜Š any other bulleters want to share their experiences.
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By stinkwheel
12 years ago, my 350 bullet took me and my gear all the way round the round Britain rally in one go over a 3 month long, unsupported road trip, camping the whole time. Had to service it twice while "on the road". Breakdowns totalled two punctures and a broken throttle cable.

It's still doing sterling service as a classic trials bike.



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