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By LanesExplorer
Thank you Neil.
Those levers look really great - I seem to remember putting tap washers between lever and clamp on cable operated brake and clutch levers to reduce the stretch a bit but that s Hitchcocks design you have fitted is far more elegant. And we do like a bit of elegance 😊
Have you found the rear brake on the Meteor a bit underwhelming or is it just me? Front is brilliant but the rear has never been very useful yet all reviews I read before I got mine raved over the back brake and thought the front lacked 'bite'.
I can well imagine walking on ballast must be really painful for you - there was a trail on a dismantled railway in Hampshire (Meon Valley line) I used to walk and that was still ballast in places which was real ankle turning stuff.
Crankcase shield got plastered yesterday as I had to ride through some pretty mucky lanes but five minutes with soapy water did the trick.
Oh and a photo attached but not quite up to the quality of yours.
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By singleminded
Just an observation....wouldn't it be more helpful to start new topics for particular items about the Meteor? After all, the forum would be very difficult to navigate/understand/make replies to if all Bullet-related topics were in one continuous thread.

Just my two-pennyworth. I'm not a Meteor owner (or ever likely to be) so it's no skin off my nose. :D
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By LanesExplorer
Yes an excellent idea, Singleminded(I like that 'name' 😊). Finding one's way through 18 pages of posts is quite time-consuming. The US site is a lot easier with topic headings but they do get an awful lot of posts compared to 'ours'
Many thanks.
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By johnaKay58
but for goodness sake a 190kg bike with 20hp.Honda and kawasaki have more powerful 300cc scooters than that.
maybe so but 49mpg as appose to 100mpg. anyway keep to bikes.
now a 125 will cost more and high revving and who want to ride a revvy bike?
if you've got nothing to say about the little RE bike then why are you on here??
By new haven neil
Not sure what that last post is about!

re the brakes Lanesey, my front is rather wooden, but is improving with mileage (1000), the rear is good! I think the front could stand some softer pads but it does feel better with the new levers as my fingers are in a better position in terms of mechanical advantage - as I said, little stubby fingers!

Not much chance of getting out this week, weather forecast miserable, and I have to take Mrs NHN's Hodna 500 to the dealers for a front tyre tomorrow as it doesn't have a centre stand and is too awkward to do at home.
By anzacat
Which windscreen did you end up keeping and are you happy with it?
Thank you
By Jamesy
johnaKay58 wrote:
Thu Mar 31, 2022 5:54 pm
but for goodness sake a 190kg bike with 20hp.Honda and kawasaki have more powerful 300cc scooters than that.
maybe so but 49mpg as appose to 100mpg. anyway keep to bikes.
now a 125 will cost more and high revving and who want to ride a revvy bike?
if you've got nothing to say about the little RE bike then why are you on here??

The reason I am on here is I am a member and own a Royal Enfield motorcycle .Like all members I
am entitled to an opinion whether you like it or not.
By new haven neil
anzacat wrote:
Sat Apr 23, 2022 10:50 pm
Which windscreen did you end up keeping and are you happy with it?
Thank you

I have the little fly screen, because I like the look of fly screens! I'm not sure it actually does anything TBH, bar hide the wiring to my heated grips, but it makes me think the front of the bike looks more complete with it. :D
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By T500
I'm lucky I own both a 2021 meteor and a 2021 Himalayan both are excellent machines the Meteor is definitely a better engineered bike the engine is significantly quieter and smoother and the gearbox is better
The fit and finish is better on the Meteor , there's a ongoing issue with a sensor that throw's up a EML warning light it doesn't effect the running RE are working on a solution
The bikes has ran superbly since I got the bike in Nov 2021
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By hotrob
johnaKay58 wrote:
Thu Mar 31, 2022 5:54 pm
but for goodness sake a 190kg bike with 20hp.Honda and kawasaki have more powerful 300cc scooters than that.
maybe so but 49mpg as appose to 100mpg. anyway keep to bikes.
Your fuel consumption estimates are way off. I have a Honda Forza 350 (actually 330cc) which makes 28.8 BHP and has a top speed (claimed) of 85mph. The CVT transmission helps it to accelerate from 0 to 60mph in about 7.5 seconds - about twice as quickly as the Meteor. On longer runs I get 90 - 95 mpg from it.

I've just bought a Meteor Supernova, but I'm still on my first tank of petrol, so I don't know yet what it will do, but I'd hope to be able to get just over 100mpg from it. Just as well with the recent petrol prices. :shock:
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