Hevening all.
Ah yes Mr Lanes, I'm a mere 62 going on 63! A bit broken though, almost lost my left foot in a walking accident 5 years ago, so it the resultant screws/pain etc led me to the heel & toe gearchange, which lifted one spline does the trick for me. Equally my hips are what are described as knackered, so the armchair riding position sealed the deal.
I would prefer a bit more go, but I don't want a different bike - we have 5 others - but I LIKE this little bike and it looks cool as the kids say. Even the daughter likes it. So a can and filter and an ECU tweak would be for me, or a cam if I really had to, but it is important to retain the feel of the engine so wouldn't go nuts with it. Or I could lose more weight, as a diabetic I really should lose more, but having got down to 13 stone any more is proving rather more difficult. It can be an odd disease.
I'd like it to go as well as Mrs NHN's little street scramblers, 250 'Hodnas', and it's not far off really, and maybe binning the restrictor at 70, we no 70 mph limits on the Isle of Man.

The ability to run a bit faster downhill when out with the boys (Old Farts Bike Club) would be handy. Some old racers in it.....nice little private group.
I hope everyone had a happy non-denominational holiday period

Not my religion but I don't mind you guys enjoying it!