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By stinkwheel
Jamesy wrote:
Tue Jul 27, 2021 8:32 pm
I get what people mean when they say its not all about speed but for goodness sake a 190kg bike with 20hp.Honda and kawasaki have more powerful 300cc scooters than that.
Equally, the Honda CB two-fifty had 16bhp and they sold loads of them.
By new haven neil
stinkwheel wrote:
Thu Jan 06, 2022 9:29 pm
Jamesy wrote:
Tue Jul 27, 2021 8:32 pm
I get what people mean when they say its not all about speed but for goodness sake a 190kg bike with 20hp.Honda and kawasaki have more powerful 300cc scooters than that.
Equally, the Honda CB two-fifty had 16bhp and they sold loads of them.
Hmm - quote 1 misses the point by a country mile. scooter which is boring and bland, or a little 350 that makes you smile and is rewarding to ride. Quote 2, well Mrs NHN once had to ride one of those when visiting friends across while we both rode Hodna 350's, she christened it the 'Little Red Slug'! Its total blandness underwhelmed her. She loves the Meteor....I need to lock it....
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By Rushour
NHN - Well said ! it isn't about the destination - its about the journey ...
By new haven neil
Thank you, Rushour.

indeed I went out for a bumble this afternoon on Bumble as temperature climbed from 3c to 7 and it is nice and sunny, and with nowhere in particular to go - there's a song in there somewhere - did 30 miles around the north of Fraggle Rock. Thoroughly enjoyed it, and that's the service light on for its 300 miles seeing to. Annoys to have to pay for it, but for the needs must.
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By new haven neil
Quiet on here!

Bumble is off for service tomorrow, watch it rain. 430 miles, haven't even had the EML on yet LOL.
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By didou
Météor.jpg (1.25 MiB) Viewed 44155 times
Je vous écris de France, j'ai un Météor depuis peu et j'aimerais
savoir si vous savez faire remonter la pédale de frein,
je la trouve trop basse.
Merci pour vos réponses

I am writing to you from France, I have recently had a Meteor and I would like
know if you know how to raise the brake pedal,
I find it too low.
Thank you for your answers
Sincerely ;) ;)
Météor1.jpg (1.27 MiB) Viewed 44155 times
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By LanesExplorer
Bonjour. I have done this modification and although a member of this forum was concerned about the brake being affected, in fact it's been fine. Here's how it's done (this is from our hosts US forum Re: Adjustment of rear brake lever?
Reply #2 on: November 21, 2021, 04:22:21 am
Very simple system…pretty slick actually.

Loosen lock nut with 13 mm wrench. Pop off snap ring that is actually a part of the pivot pin. Unscrew front end 1/2 turn. Pop back pin/snap ring…tighten locknut
I'm attempting to attach a couple of photos which make it clearer. The clip is a bit of a fiddle to snap back into place. It needs patience...
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By LanesExplorer
IMG_20220204_115431.png (35.33 KiB) Viewed 44148 times
IMG_20220204_115502.png (32.76 KiB) Viewed 44148 times
By didou
LanesExplorer wrote:
Fri Feb 04, 2022 11:49 am
Bonjour. I have done this modification and although a member of this forum was concerned about the brake being affected, in fact it's been fine. Here's how it's done (this is from our hosts US forum Re: Adjustment of rear brake lever?
Reply #2 on: November 21, 2021, 04:22:21 am
Very simple system…pretty slick actually.

Loosen lock nut with 13 mm wrench. Pop off snap ring that is actually a part of the pivot pin. Unscrew front end 1/2 turn. Pop back pin/snap ring…tighten locknut
I'm attempting to attach a couple of photos which make it clearer. The clip is a bit of a fiddle to snap back into place. It needs patience...
Merci LanesExplorer pour la réponse ;) ;) C'est sympa. Didou

Thanks LanesExplorer for the answer ;) ;) That's nice. Didou
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