- Wed Feb 17, 2021 8:49 pm
Good video, thanks Paul.
“Inspection cat”.....I like that. We here are dog people, mainly because I have to be careful with cats due to potential allergy. As a child I suffered an anaphylactic reaction to a new kitten my father brought home one night and I nearly died. Strangely, we’d had two cats before that which hadn’t caused me any problem.
Cats generally like me and I’ve occasionally had problems when visiting other people’s homes. Cats often jump up and sit on me, which is a bit worrying because I get instantly wheezy with some, but not all. If I rub my eyes after stroking some cats, my eyes soon look like p holes in the snow.
A couple of years ago I was lying on my back on the garage floor, working under my car. The garage door was open as it was sunny day. Suddenly, something unexpectedly brushed firmly against the side of my face.....it was the next door neighbour’s new cat which came in behind me and wanted to say hello. I didn’t know he even had a cat and hadn’t spotted it. It surprised me so much I jerked my head upwards and split my scalp open on a bolt tail under the car!
Built like a gun... could go BANG!