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By Trev
Andy C wrote:
Wed Dec 23, 2020 9:27 pm
Meant to ask - was the rear suspension linkage dry. I have heard reports of them not being well greased.

Might pull mine apart when I need to replace the rear tyre.

Just over 4000 miles now.
I bought the bike with 700 miles on it from a chap I know well who has a bike spannering business in Sussex (and who has his own Himmy) and he fitted the tyres (and the EBC front pads I forgot to mention) and the shock and he stripped and lubed the linkages at the same time. He said both my bike and his 2018 model had only the merest hint of grease on the linkages, he was the one who suggested I strip and grease the headstock bearings which I have done.

I can't wait to put some proper miles on mine, now the Crimbo madness is nearly here and gone I'm looking forward to getting some full days out to see what it's really like.

Thanks for the tip on the tailpipe and air delete, I'll do the both together at some stage so hopefully I'll notice a difference.
By Andy C
Thanks Trev - based on what you have said and what I have read elsewhere I'll grease the linkage on mine at the next tyre change as I say.

Been running mine for ages with the little baffle removed from the lextec pipe, only when I forgot my earplugs the other day did I realise just how loud it was.

As I say, I am sure with no baffle it just runs a little bit sweeter and has a little more edge to it. I ll have to see if I can get a couple of test runs in on my favourite hilly test section of road, my alternative to a dyno !!
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By Trev
Himmy in it's natural habitat, on a bye way on Cranborne Chase looking across to Shaftesbury night before last, bloody nippy which I'm blaming for the blurry pic, my eye balls must have frozen :D
dark himmy.JPG
dark himmy.JPG (6.6 MiB) Viewed 6710 times
By Andy C
I contemplated going out on mine on Monday but decided it was too risky as weather forcast was warning about icy patches locally.

After a sunny start to the day it rapidly declined into a cold, wet day so no riding today either.

Given the location of the photo - Cranborne Chase looking across to Shaftesbury does this mean you are based in Dorset? if so I am just down the road in Somerset.
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By Trev
I'm actually in the corner of Dorset, Wilts and Hants, just outside the actual village of Cranborne. Cracking location for riding as loads of empty roads, stacks of narrow lanes and a fair few miles of green lanes although I'm not the worlds best off roader (probably one of the worst :D ). Maybe catch up sometime for a socially distanced natter over a flask of tea and butty, where in Somerset are you?
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By windmill john
I know we’re all different, but my Classic 500 and Bullet are filthy.
Obviously I’d rather they be clean, but then again I’d rather ride.
I have a car, but the bikes are my main commuters.
Okay, I wasn’t commuting today, but needed to ride :mrgreen:
By Andy C
Trev - I am near to Glastonbury so not a million miles away.

No riding for me today, too much ice lurking.

Had a nice afternoon run out yesterday afternoon.
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By Trev
Andy C wrote:
Thu Dec 31, 2020 11:56 am
Trev - I am near to Glastonbury so not a million miles away.

No riding for me today, too much ice lurking.

Had a nice afternoon run out yesterday afternoon.
I do like to get out that way on the bike, was in Bruton week before last on the AT and came home the long way. I did get out on the Himmy today for a few miles but bloody nippy (and a bit slippery), found some sunshine but left home in fog and returned home in it as well, roll on the Spring
himmy sun.jpg
himmy sun.jpg (596.06 KiB) Viewed 6684 times
By Andy C
Trev - yes some lovely little back roads out and around Bruton / Frome / Nunney way, spent a lot of time exploring that area last summer, mad a change from my usual rides out and around the top of the Mendips - mainly around the Cheddar / Priddy / Chewton Mendip area.

Still some more roads to explore around Bruton when weather permits - seems to be never ending small villages / hamlets / isolated farms around there, plus the Cranmore railway line which suprises the unsuspecting with a nice steam train or two.

Zig Zag hill out in your direction is a fun ride !! Love that road that goes up Zig Zag and down through Sixpeny Handley that eventually takes you down to the new forest. Nice area.
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By Exile
About this stalling business...
My Bullet (2003 500cc) used to do that. I simply raised the idle speed a little. Problem solved.
Hope this helps.

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