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By Kentish Man
HiYa all,

My 2007 Electra X, the decompressor lever broke in in Lefthand plastic switchgear. I'm told this is common as its normally used to operate a choke on a carburettor. so I bought a new switchgear, Genuine Minda .I tried to fit the cable and it looks like I am missing a ferrule or a spacer?.
By Daiwiskers
If possible I would use a separate lever for the decompressor the type fitted to nearly all singles in the 50s and 60s

Hope this help's Dai
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By Wheaters
Kentish Man wrote:
Sun Aug 07, 2022 6:55 pm
HiYa all,

My 2007 Electra X, the decompressor lever broke in in Lefthand plastic switchgear. I'm told this is common as its normally used to operate a choke on a carburettor. so I bought a new switchgear, Genuine Minda .I tried to fit the cable and it looks like I am missing a ferrule or a spacer?.
Yes, I just checked on my bike's Minda setup, which has the plastic lever for the decompressor. There is supposed to be a separate split ferrule on the end of the cable. If the cable broke, it probably fell out at the time because it's a loose fit in the switchgear mount.

Here you go, it's part #10: ... osition-10
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By Wheaters
My bike has the throttle on the other handlebar ;)
Here’s the one on my bike’s decompressor cable:
98DD6EE2-3E80-4E55-81AF-EB034571E830.jpeg (520.65 KiB) Viewed 44081 times

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