Re: blinking blinkers
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2022 1:24 pm
by Wheaters
I agree. Certain cars (eg VW) have small indicators right in the centre the rear light units. They are very difficult to see. The modern fad where driving lights on one side of cars come on and go off in a seemingly random fashion during cornering don’t make it any easier, either.
Re: blinking blinkers
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2022 4:33 pm
by LanesExplorer
Ordered the 'Audicator' yesterday lunchtime. Arrived this morning and after a bit of a fiddling job - far longer than the 'minutes' stated on the instructions (but they always seem to be over optimistic) it's now all fitted. Sound unit sits behind windscreen on top of the headlight shell as there wasn't room inside. Very LOUD. Won't leave those flashers on again by mistake!
So thank you all - especially Twosheds who started this off and Chris who mentioned the device.