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By David Crossley
My 2006 electra x sprag has given up and I have been told that the sprag are electric starter can be removed permanently. Is there a kit for this or and diagram to show what is involved in the process. Also finding it hard to get into neutral would this be a clutch spring issue. As I will have the primary off it seems like a plan to do all work at this time. Any advice appreciated. David
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By Adrian
Poor neutral selection on the 5 speed box can just be caused by the clutch or its cable needing adjustment.

Somewhere there is a pictorial guide to the primary strip (with French text, but adequate), I shall post the link to it in a while, in case you do not have a workshop manual. Our hosts have an alloy bung for filling the hole in the primary drive side when you remove the starter motor.

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By Adrian
Here is the French dismantling guide I mentioned above, good pictures, but just note that the alternator rotor fixing on this example is non-standard, so in your case just treat yourself to one of our hosts' rotor extractors (in the tools section) to get the thing off its taper. ... arreur.pdf

Some owners who get rid of the electric start also go for a lumpectomy of the extended section of the inner primary chaincase where all the E/S gubbins lives, instead of just plugging the 'ole where the starter motor used to fit. CAREFUL use of an angle grinder followed by some really good alloy welding can make a nice neat job of this, though not everybody manages this.

You can also get kickstart-only versions of the inner chaincases with plain joint face and ten M6 threaded holes which you can use with you existing outer primary chaincase. These were intended for home market 350 Electras and can be harder to find, especially for the left-foot gearchange, but they do smarten things up a lot.


By David Crossley
Adrian thanks so much for the advice and link's. I will have a look at the link and will post pics of anything I'm not sure of. Thanks for taking the time to share your knowledge and know how I very much appreciate it. D 8-)
By David Crossley
ImageThis is the the sprag from my bike shows sign of some ware and was jammed in. Have removed all gears and ordered starter blank.
IMG_20200714_184020.jpg (4.51 MiB) Viewed 8486 times

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